Friday, December 7, 2012

Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website Now

If you want to get a lot of sales online, you should know that in order to succeed, you will need a lot of traffic coming in on a daily basis. The kind of traffic that you will need is a lot, especially with affiliate marketing... because with affiliate marketing, you don't get access to the backend customer's name and contact information. So you have to compromise with this by having a lot of traffic coming in on a daily basis.

Now many people that getting traffic outside of advertising and pay per click programs is hard. When in fact, it is incredibly easy. I always recommend learning how to get traffic to your website for free to new beginners. Anybody can pay money for a pay per click campaign (PPC), and have targeted people coming to their website everyday. But if you run out of money, your traffic stops. And if you run out of money while not earning ANY sales... you've just wasted some money.

But if you can put a lot of time and effort into a free marketing campaign, you will see that you can soon equal the amount of traffic that PPC was getting for you, and earn 100% profits on every sale that you make. Plus, free traffic is lifelong traffic, so in a way, you're investing in your website when you do free marketing.

I want to share with you some of my favorite ways to get free traffic to my website. They are very simple and easy to do, and you should know that it doesn't require a lot of time each day to run. In fact, here's the first free method that I like to do for getting more traffic to my website on a daily basis:

1) Article marketing

Writing high quality articles and submitting them to the article directories are a great way to get free traffic to your website. You will find that you get a lot of search engine traffic this way, website owners will get your article and place it on their website - along with your website information, and also people will come to the article directories directly to find new content for their website.

So you get traffic in 3 ways here. Article marketing is very easy, and should take no more than a few hours out of the week to knock some articles out of the way. Here's another one of my favorite free marketing techniques:

2) Forum marketing

I belong to a few forums online, and I can tell you that it is an excellent way to start getting free traffic simply and easily. Both of the forums that I belong to are high in traffic count, and can get your website even more traffic than it is receiving right now. The main thing you will want to focus on is quality information.

Make sure you're providing good information to the forum, and are not spamming your message all across the forum. This is the fastest way to get banned. Instead, strive to post weekly, and make sure the forum that you join allows you to insert your website information in your signature.

These 2 traffic methods are things that you will want to use if you want to have the utmost success in your online business today.

Good luck with using these 2 traffic tips in your internet business now.

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   

Want To Know The Secret Of Online Lead Generation?

Online lead generation is something that no Internet marketer can do without. If you don't have a list you are in really deep water. You need an endless stream of leads if you able to effectively promote your business.

Everyone tells you when you first get started in any affiliate program that you are dead in the water if you cannot generate the leads you need, but they also tell you that it's easy to get those leads if you do a number of things. The thing is that often times you are left on your own without proper training in how to get those quality leads.

With all that said, even though you have done everything they say, whoever they are, have told you those leads are still not trickling in every day like they should. You have set up your blog and seem to always be posting something to it. You have joined every conceivable social network and even connected your blog postings to that.

This automation system will help you with your online lead generation. You even write articles and give them to all the best article directories, and you still are not getting those quality leads you are after.

Now you are asking what's wrong. Is there some secret formula for online lead generation? The answer to that is yes. I know, you didn't really want to hear that, but there it is anyway. The secret is that if people don't know you or anything about you or if you are not associated with someone they do know, they are not as likely to take you seriously. You have to brand yourself if you are able to generate the leads you need for success. You have to let people discover who you are and what you know.

Now, that is not to say that you should stop doing what you are already doing. By all means, keep it up. That is how you build your reputation online. Everywhere you go online, be sure that you use your name and face to let people see the real you. If you really want people to get to know you make sure you are using the same user name and profile picture everywhere so that they can connect anything you say with who you are. You will be building your online presence and reputation. This is what it will take to generate those quality leads you want.

Make no mistake about it, quality online lead generation is going to take time. It will not happen overnight. That's okay right, because you have already invested a lot of time trying to generate all the leads you need with little success right. Why quit now? The next step in the process is to link yourself with people who are already successful in the industry your involved with, and get testimonials from those who know and trust you and place all of that information on your website. Oh yea, get and make that your website.

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   

Coaching Business: How to Send Enormous Qualified Prospects to Your Website

Just like any other ebusiness owner, you need to drive as many qualified prospects to your blog and website. This is because the more people paying you a visit, the better your chances are of securing a decent sign up rate.

In this article, I wish to help you boost your traffic in as little time as possible. Here's what you can do:

Make your website worth visiting. First thing to do is to ensure that your prospects will have valid reason to visit your website. They wouldn't mind checking your site out if it's pleasing on the eyes and if it contains useful information. Invest on hiring professional web designers if you must and be creative when writing your web content. You want your visitors to be convinced that you're really an expert after reading your web content.

Improve your page ranking. If your website is not appearing on relevant search page results, your business is in trouble. If people can't find you online, they will obviously not pay you a visit. So, work on making your site search engine-friendly. Learn and master the ropes of SEO and SEM. Using popular keywords on your niche and applying all white hat SEO techniques will surely help. Advertising your website through PPC ads and search engine marketing can also do wonders.

Article marketing. If you haven't noticed it yet, people usually go online looking for information. If you strive to give what your prospects are looking for, you can be assured that you'll capture their attention. So, write articles containing the information they are looking for. Provide in-depth explanation, offer how-to guides and tips list, share your secrets, etc. Then, publish your articles on directories. People who find and read your articles will see your site's URL on your resource box. If they're impressed with your articles' content, they'll surely pay your site a visit.

Forum and blog commenting. Personally, I find this strategy to be extremely effective. In fact, I get most of my traffic from online communities. The best thing about this is its extremely easy. Start by listing down the top 10 communities related to your niche. Then, spend at least an hour everyday on these portals. Take time to answer relevant questions, talk about your prospects' pressing issues and provide solutions, share some tips and offer advice, etc. Through this, people in these communities will consider you as the go-to guy whenever they're in need of information and that's really good for your business.

Social media marketing. I highly recommend that you use Google+, Twitter, and Facebook to generate more traffic for your website. These sites are attracting millions of people from across the globe on a daily basis. Create your own account, "befriend" qualified prospects, and build relationship with them. Use your wall to distribute articles and relevant information. Don't forget to include your site's URL each time you do this. Also, use your accounts to keep your prospects' posted on your marketing gimmicks and promotions.

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   

Free Banners For Your Ads And Websites

We all use banners in our ads and on our websites? Right?

How would you like to learn how to make your own attractive banners to drive traffic to you website?

I am not just talking about banners that your company gives you.

Everybody uses those. You want to have something that will attract others to your offer.

I started searching for ways to do this when I was doing ads on craigslist and my ads kept getting ghosted and flagged. So I needed to figure a way to do things differently. I am going to give you some great tips and sites here and show you how I do this.

Let's get started.

The first thing you want to do is to think about what kind of pics you want your banners to be. Go to Google images and do a search. This will have to do with your niche. Then just right click on these and save them to your computer.

I love this idea I go and search YouTube video's and use clips from them for banners, I use a tool called ink2go to capture the images, you can also use jing, it is free.

Now go and open an account with photobucket. Then all you do is upload these pics right there. When you want to place an ad or a banner, click on the picture and push the share button. This will bring up a box where you will hit the button, 'Get The code"-> Now use the "Clickable code." You will want to change the first link and put in your URL to your website as you see it above, now when someone clicks your new banner, it will take them to your website.

Now I have a site where you can make text banners, and can get you lots of clicks if you use the right wording in them. Go to cooltextdotcom- Cool Text is a FREE graphics generator. Simply choose what kind of image you would like. Then fill out a form and you'll have your own custom banner in minutes.

You can use the download feature on this site, but all I do is right click and save them on my computer, and then download them to photobucket. This is so easy and you will love them. Get creative with them.

Now that you have these done, you can round the corners on your new banners right here-> roundpicdotcom.

Remember to do this before you put them on photobucket, it makes them look a whole lot better, at least I think so.

Here is a little tool for all your reflection needs! -> reflectionmakerdotcom

I really haven't used this to much, but go ahead and experiment with it.

I hope that you got some great tips here today for making free banners, now go and try it.

Remember to take action and implement everything that you learn. This is the only way you will ever become successful with whatever you are promoting online.

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   How to Get Targeted Web Traffic to Your Websites   

How To Make More Money With More Traffic

As an affiliate, your main objective is to sell the products and services offered by your partner merchants. Unless you can do this, you can never hope to make a significant amount of money with affiliate marketing programs. So how do you boost sales? All things being equal, you will need to increase your site traffic before you can experience more sales. By the law of averages, the more people are aware of the products you are offering, the more products you will sell.

Here are a few tips that can help you boost your site traffic:

1. Optimize for the search engines. The most successful sites on the internet are the most visible ones. Now there are various ways to achieve increased visibility on the internet, but the foremost method is that of search engine optimization. The details are too technical to discuss here, but the purpose of search engine optimization (SEO) is to help your site achieve higher rankings on the search engines. If you have used a search engine, you will notice that any particular keyword search will return thousands, if not millions of results. Most people will not bother to browse through all those results; they will prefer to look into the sites already displayed. Statistically speaking, the sites listed on the first results page will garner the highest amount of traffic, putting those sites in a better position to make money.

2. Joining internet directories. While internet directories are no longer as widely used as search engines, some people do use them. It is important that you do not overlook the potential customers that these directories can bring to your site. To join an internet directory, you will have to submit your site for approval, and you will be categorized accordingly.

3. Provide fresh content. Your site must continually be updated if you expect your visitors to keep coming back. Your site must have useful content, as well as tools that will help your target audience. Make your site as easy to navigate as possible, and be sure that your links work the way that they should. There is nothing that frustrates people more than a "broken" website, and once your site has been labeled as such, chances are slim that many people will want to come back.

4. Build an online community. In other words, build relationships with your potential customers. Make your visitors feel welcome and appreciated, and they are likely to come back. Be interested in solving their problems and they will thank you with their business.

Making your affiliate marketing program work is really not that much different from operating a traditional business. The only way you can keep your customers is to treat them right. The Japanese have a saying: The customer is God. As long as you treat your customers with respect and exert effort in trying to meet their needs, you will find that they will be more than willing to help you with yours.

Affiliate Marketing and Requesting Customer Support

As a webmaster, you are bound to run into problems. Even though you have spent a good amount of time learning the affiliate marketing trade, sooner or later you will run into some challenges that you will need help to resolve. Areas such as e-mail services, affiliate marketing software, and online services are often particularly troublesome.

Unfortunately, getting help is not often easy, even from your web host. But there are ways to make the process simpler for both sides. Here are some questions that you might consider before you call your service provider:

Who are you? This is a common problem. Many people report their problems without providing their personal information, such as their username. Unless the support team knows who you are, how do you expect them to solve your problem?

What is the problem? Be specific. Identify which product or service is not working properly. Keep in mind that you are just one of your web host's customers. Unless you can pinpoint the problem, chances are pretty slim that you will receive appropriate and timely help.

What software are you using? Your web host's support team will need information on the software you are using. For instance, they will ask you what type of system you are using in your computer. It is a well-known fact that certain applications do not work well on certain systems. Be sure to give any relevant details about the services or applications that you use.

When did the problem start? Identifying the time you became aware of the problem is important. If you have recently made any changes to your system and the problem appeared soon after, it is quite likely that particular change is the cause. Don't withhold information from the support team; every bit of knowledge is crucial to identifying the source of difficulty.

What have you tried to fix the problem? If you have attempted to fix the problem yourself, be sure to include an account of your attempts in your report. Letting the support team know what you've already done will help them save time, and also make a more accurate diagnosis of what's wrong.

Have you kept it simple? For security purposes, some support systems do not allow HTML display. To avoid having your e-mail intercepted, it is best to send your messages in plain text format.

Remember to be polite. Keep in mind that the support team is composed of human beings - they certainly will not appreciate if you maltreat them. Never insult them; never use profanity. If you want your problem to be resolved, it is better to hold your peace and act civilly. Despite what you may think, you are just one of their customers -- they reserve the right to discontinue their services to you whenever they like.

These pointers will not always get you the speedy service that you deserve, but they can certainly help.

Affiliate marketing is a difficult business enough without making enemies. By taking a little time to see things from your support team's point of view, you can drastically improve the quality of service you get.

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   

The Most Effective Ways to Get Traffic to a Website

When designing a website you need to know The Most Effective Ways to Get Traffic to a Website.

There are many companies out there that advertise that they can get the traffic there, and some are able to do this, for a fee, and sometimes that fee is rather large. Nowadays it is important to get a good ranking on a web page when search engines return results for a search query.

Designing a website to get this ranking is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO. It is not enough to have just a nice site for people to see and use, it also has to be found by search engines.

To make your site more optimized there are a few things that you can do.

One of the most important things you need to do to bring qualified traffic to your site is to advertise it. People cannot come to your site if they do not know that it even exists. One of the easiest ways to advertise is to submit your site to search engines such as GOOGLE, MSN, YAHOO, BING and a host of others. Do not however keep sending your site to the same search engine, over and over again. Some of these sites get hundreds or even thousands of submissions a week; it takes some time for the sites to place them in their databases. Even when they are put in the databases, it does not mean that you are going to be placed in the top 10 or even the top 1,000 in the search listings, there are other factors that these search engines use, all of which are coded into the algorithms using which the search spiders (programs that add the websites to the database) work.

One of the criteria is believed to be the Links. The reason it is only believed and not a fact is that all search engines guard their search algorithms very closely. Quality Links though seem to have a very important role in ranking. The Links should be relevant and up to date. If your site is one about fishing, a link that has to do with astronomy really is not going to do you much good, they have to be relevant. Both inbound and outbound links are very important and all these links should revolve around the theme of your site.

The more the number of valid links, the better your rankings will be. Also, if a big site links to you, then your site is given additional weightage in the rankings as well, all of which contribute to better search listings and so more traffic.

It is also important to keep the content of your site fresh and relevant. Lately, it is believed that Google and other search engines give better rankings to more recent content than those sites which have old content. Use Meta Tags on your site, there are several sites on the web that can show you how to do these properly, if done incorrectly they do not help you. Submit your site to directories. Again the directories need to be relevant, if the site has to do with fishing, do not submit it to a directory category for automotive supplies, submit it to all directories that pertain to fishing. Doing this helps because many search engines look at directories to find relevant sites to direct enquiries too. You also need to use similar words in the Title, Description and Tags. Spread the word about your website around, through voice/email/social media and any which way you can.

These are some of the Most Effective Ways to Get Traffic to a Website. There are many more but these ones are believed to be the most important tools in SEO design.

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   How to Get Targeted Web Traffic to Your Websites   

Driving Traffic in the Year 2012

Traffic, if you own a website or blog then you need it right? Yes, without website traffic you not be able to engage with anybody what so ever! No traffic means, no sales and no way to communicate and basically without out it, all you have is a nice looking virtual pamphlet. If you are reading this article you may just be the person who is lacking in traffic and looking at ways to improve your numbers. After all that's exactly what it is, a numbers game.

What Google is creating now are tracking systems that follow social movement. They have been doing this for quite some time, but I believe have increased the value of a link that has a lot of social activity.

For example: Say you own a Facebook Fan page. You place a link in the discussion box with some valuable content and it receives a lot of social interaction around that link. Google can then see that this link and content is popular therefor adding authority to that link or content being spoken about in that social platform.

A lot of SEO software programmers are realizing this and developing system to manipulate the sharing of links (content) on social platforms. How Google is getting around this is by placing authority reference to the social account.

How do we as traffic generators get around this? Well, we need to implement strategies that look as natural as possible. Sorry, long gone are the days of a one page blog post without the profile and photo filled out in a web 2.0 account with an anchor text link.

Lets take as an example: Just joining Hubpages and adding one article doesn't cut it anymore. You need to be social within the site, create lots of great content and get that content passed around within that website. I believe that is the type of interaction that Google and other search engines are looking for!

Then they are looking for where has the article been shared outside of the platform, in this case Hubpages! How many links does it have, where have the links come from, how quickly where they generated and are the websites and social media sites linking to the article have any authority at all.

To conclude I suggest you spend more time creating really great content then interact in social platforms where others will share your content. This not only drives traffic from social platforms but also builds trusted authority backlinks to help your content sit up higher in the search engines. It also builds trust from those who are following your content!

Remember people buy from who they like and trust!

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   How to Get Targeted Web Traffic to Your Websites   

Traffic Generation - Article Marketing And Forum Marketing

What do you know about getting website traffic? Is it something that is hard to do for you, or are you proficient with it? Most people online struggle to get a lot of traffic to their website, when getting traffic is as easy as pie. In today's lesson, I want to share with you some tips that you can use to get traffic to your website simply and easily.

Now some of the strategies that I will mention are things that you have probably heard of before. But maybe they didn't work fast enough for you, or maybe you got a lot of traffic but no sales from your advertising. No matter what the situation is, you should know that you can make things work and get lots of targeted traffic to your website simply and easily.

Here's the first tip that I would like to show you when it comes to getting more traffic to your website simply and easily:

1) Article marketing

I love article marketing. It's a great way to build brand recognition in your niche, and is a great way to get traffic also. There are a lot of article directories on the internet, but you will stand to benefit from the top 3 article directories on the internet. They will bring you the majority of your traffic.

When doing article marketing, you will want to write high quality articles. Keep your articles over 500+ words, and be sure to submit your articles on a daily basis. You have to look at it as your job. You have to put in the work to see the results that you are looking for.

There are some people online who have written over 10,000 articles. And guess what? This STILL isn't enough. I read online that the University of Phoenix Online had over 250,000 articles on their website. Now compare this number to a measly 500 articles. Can you see the chasm here?

Here's another way to get traffic to your website:

2) Forum marketing

I'm very active in the forums online. I make my forum posts, answer questions people have, respond to my email messages, and build relationships with people. It's a great way to meet people, to help people, and to get traffic in return for your marketing efforts. I think you should do the same thing also.

Do a simple Google search and look for forums in your niche. You will more than likely find a ton of them. Join a few of these forums and participate. Leave your website information to the signature section of your forum posts. If a forum doesn't allow for links in the signature area of your posts... don't join it.

These 2 traffic strategies work incredibly well. I still use both till this day and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. Both can allow you to be perceived as an expert in your niche, and it's something that you can earn a lot of money from. Trust me, I would know.

Good luck with using these 2 traffic tips to earn more money online.

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   

How to Generate Traffic for Blogs

As an owner of a couple of successful blogs, I know how frustratingly difficult it is to drive traffic to it. At the beginning, you might be writing all the content that you think is interesting, however, the traffic is simply not coming in at the pace you want it to be. I'd like to share my experience to those who are on the brink of giving up and those who are tempted to abandon your blog. My advice to you would be to persevere. Take some time to look at the 3 tips that I am going to share with you and find the areas that you can improve for your blog. Success will come eventually if you apply the steps below.

Step 1: Blog the SEO Way

Many bloggers seem to overlook that fact that a blog in reality is not much different from a website. Although a blog's primary focus is to bring greater understanding to the readers of the blog writer, the SEO rules still apply when it comes to traffic generation. For your blog to become search engine friendly, please write content with keywords that are relevant to your niche. When search engines index your site and rank it highly, you will get free organic searches. One important step to remember is to make the title of each blog post search engine optimized.

Step 2: Comment on relevant blogs

Much like commenting on forums, blogs are fast becoming an information platform for people to gather and discuss. When commenting on other blogs of the same niche, leave your link on the comments for reference and it will generate traffic to your blog. It is crucial that you give quality comments as it will affect the number of traffic it brings to your blog. When it comes to blog selection, please ensure that you choose blogs that have high traffic and you will soon see an explosion of traffic when you provide a powerful comment.

Step 3: Build Relationships

Blogs are the best way to build relationship with your readers. This is because readers of blogs do not expect you to follow strict writing formats and you are free to air your feelings and opinions in your blog. It is ideal if you can build interest in your reader such that they become repeat visitors. Pictures and videos of yourself help to create interest and trust in your readers. With interest and trust in your content, other bloggers are more likely to provide a back link to your site. Having just one back link from a blogger with high traffic may very well solve all your traffic generation problems.

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Online Traffic Generation - How To Avoid Being A Coke Stand In The Desert

Do you have a website or are you thinking about setting one up? Not only do you need to have an online presence in the form of a website or blog, but you also need to know about online traffic generation methods that work. Assuming you have a site that is either selling your own product or even someone else's as an affiliate and everything else is working, the reality is that without targeted traffic you are not going to sell a single thing or make any money. The website you are proud of is like a coke stand in the desert and nobody knows you even exist.

So What Do You Do To Remedy This?

You must learn how to generate and drive targeted traffic to your website. You have probably heard this traffic being referred to as 'unique visitors' and you need the right kind of visitors landing on your site in order to stand a chance of generating product sales as a merchant or commissions as an affiliate.

Managing Traffic Campaigns

There are many different types of traffic generation, but each of them have some kind of cost attached to them which you will need to assess and keep tabs on to ensure that they are profitable for your online business. How much you pay per visitor determines how well that traffic needs to convert in order to be in profit. For example, if you were paying out 20 cents a visitor and you were selling a product that cost $20, you would need to convert that traffic to achieve one sale per 100 visitors to remain cash neutral. This means you would not make a profit or a loss on the front-end for that traffic. Now let's say you were paying out just 10 cents a visitor and you made one sale every 100 visitors on a $20 product. Well, in that situation you would make $10 profit per 100 visitors.

High Quality Traffic

You may have already heard about 'cold' traffic and 'referral' traffic. Cold traffic is not pre-qualified before seeing your website or sales-page, whereas referral traffic lands on your site from another source such as a feature on another relevant website or from an email sent to the visitor which contains your website link from a trusted source. These are the most valuable and highly targeted types of traffic you can get to visit your website.

Another high quality source of traffic is that of referrals from a search engine such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. If after typing in a search term, the visitor finds your website in the listings, this is a highly qualified visitor providing your website provides an answer or solution to what the visitor was searching for in the first place. If it's relevant content to the visitor, they are more likely to purchase what your website is offering as a solution.

Pay Per Click

In terms of paid traffic generation, with regard to PPC (pay-per-click), this is also a quality traffic source, although it does involve tweaking and managing campaigns until they are in profit. You can often expect to lose money in the beginning when driving traffic using pay-per-click, so be aware that you will need a budget that can withstand the initial losses before you get your campaigns to work for you and become profitable. If your funds are limited and you are a beginner, I would not recommend using pay-per-click as your first traffic generation method.

Knowing your numbers and focusing on high quality traffic sources will ensure that the visitors landing on your website are more likely to purchase products you are selling. As a result, your conversions will be consistently higher than if you focused on lower quality sources of traffic.

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   How to Get Targeted Web Traffic to Your Websites   

Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?

Coming up with the most effective headline or title isn't necessarily the easiest part when writing your articles. In fact, in the real world, the success or failure of whether something is read, is mainly down to the words used in the headline or title. Many people reading digital text will only scan the headline and then decide whether the article is interesting enough to be worth spending their time reading.

Even in social networking sites, using catchy headlines is the best way to invite people to visit your pages. If you say the right things in your titles, you can inspire your friends or encourage your followers to either like your post, click on your link or re-tweet it. If your title or headline is uninspiring, you can fail in your effort to make an impression at all.

The same is true when it comes to all written material, whether it's books, newspapers or blog posts.

A book needs a strong title for it to be taken from the bookshelf and be explored further. E-books have an even tougher job competing for attention. These rely heavily on their titles and customer reviews.

When reporting current affairs, headlines are designed to capture the very essence of a story. This is what will entice the reader to find out more about the story. The main body of the text should then be interesting enough to rouse the readers' interest and curiosity so that they will not turn to the next page.

Unfortunately, many bloggers and article writers will spend time and effort writing excellent articles, only to fail in creating the kind of headlines that will actually draw the reader's attention in the first place.

Using questions and statements which benefit the reader in your title are a good way to attract your reader's attention. Did you notice the question used in the title of this article? Maybe it was what drew you in to read further. I hope so.

It is also essential that the keywords and key phrases for your article are included in your title as well as the main body of your text.

One of the most tried and tested methods in ensuring that your product headlines effectively reach your audience is to make sure that your article is found by the search engines. By optimizing your keywords, this will certainly help the search engines to find your article.

Lastly, aside from effective titles and headlines, it is also crucial that the articles which you publish are of the utmost value to the person who chooses to read them.

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   

Best Chrome Addons for Effective Blog Writing

No trade is without proper tools the same is said of a successful blog. For those using Chrome as your preferred browser you will find that there are some really great addons to enhance your blogging efforts.

Chrome SEO

Great sites begin and end with analysis. You can conduct analysis of your blog with Chome SEO. You will be able discover the amount of links that are pointing to your site. Links that have been discovered from sources such as Alexa, Google, and Yahoo as well as MajesticSEO and Open Site Explorer.

If that were not enough, Chrome SEO gives you social media stats of the number of bookmarks or shares your site has received. Learn what pages on your blog have been indexed by Google, Ask, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, and Yandex.

Should you desire to spy on your competition then Chrome SEO gives you a competitive edge to find out what your competitors keywords, ppc budget and traffic are as well as their keywords and a sneak peek at their search traffic. Analysis is the key to maintain an effective presence online and Chrome SEO is one of the best Chrome addons for blog anylysis purposes.

SEO Status Page Rank

Combine your SEO analysis with on the go evaluation that SEO Status Page Rank has, you now have power in your blog promotion efforts. This Chrome addon will help you decide which blogs are best to comment on based on their page ranks. Commenting on sites with high page ranks give you effective backlinks.

SEO Status Page Rank's feature a light-weight application that is simple and fast. Alexa and Google page rank are displayed right on the extension itself. You may also click links for details on backlinks, and whois to associate your blog with a trusted site.

Evernote Web Clipper

What is a great blog without great research? Most research is conducted online, with thousands of pages at your fingertips. Remember the days of spending hours of research in the library and making sure you photocopied the page you wanted for later reference?

Well, you can do basically the same with web pages thanks to Evernote Web Clipper. Not only does Evernote Web Clipper copy a web page for you to reference later it is then saved and organized as you like in your Evernote.

Evernote Web Clipper allows you to highlight text, links and images to save with a simple click of the Chrome extension. Store them in organized notebooks for later viewing or make your notes available in shared notebooks. Should you be teaming up with another blogger to create excellent blog post then you will love the premium "work together" feature.

With Chrome SEO, SEO Status Page Rank, and Evernote Web Clipper you have the best chrome addons for blog enhancement purposes where you combine analysis with excellent content creation.

Google Trends: A Keyword Tool That Creates Money For You   Make Your WordPress Blog Safe With Effective Security Checkers   Making Money Online From Home - The Correct Way   How-To Choose The Right Blogging Platform For You   Target Your Content at the Right People   

How Can I Get Paid to Blog?

Many bloggers come to a point where they would like to get paid to blog. This applies to new and veteran bloggers alike. They may feel compensation will give them further motivation to keep blogging. Perhaps blogging turned out to be more time or energy than they had anticipated. Regardless, there are numerous avenues available to start earning a profit from a blog.

Affiliate Marketing

One of the best money-making avenues for blogs is affiliate marketing. As an affiliate, a blogger can earn a commission on sales they generate by promoting a merchant's products. As an example, a blogger with a cooking site may write a review on their favorite cookware and insert their affiliate link within that review. If a reader of that content takes the blogger's recommendation and makes a purchase, that blogger would receive a percentage of that sale. The majority of online retailers have affiliate programs available, either directly or through an advertising network.

Cost Per Click Ads

Many online merchants or service providers advertise their businesses through Cost Per Click (CPC) ads. These ads may not only show up in search engine results, but also on blogs utilizing ads. When a blog visitor clicks on one of those ads, the advertiser then pays a set rate for that click. That rate is then divided accordingly between the blogger and the advertising network. In order for CPC ads to be effective, a blogger must have a working understanding of SEO and keywords. Those ads are displayed based on keywords within the blog's text. If no keywords are optimized, related ads may not be displayed. The more relevant the ads, the more likely a click will occur.

Pay Per Post

Another way to get paid to blog is by participating in pay per post sites. Many advertisers want to get their business in front of as many eyes as possible. They can wait around for word of mouth to happen naturally, or they can speed up the process by paying bloggers to review their website or product. The blogger and advertiser agree on a price, and the blogger agrees to blog about the advertiser. These are honest reviews. Good or bad, the advertiser must pay up if the blogger follows through according to spec.

If you are looking to make money blogging, do know there are numerous avenues available. The above three are only the tip of the iceberg. Each blogger must decide what they are comfortable with and what avenue works best for their blog and their readers. Some methods work better in certain niches than others. Set aside some time to experiment with each.

Google Trends: A Keyword Tool That Creates Money For You   Make Your WordPress Blog Safe With Effective Security Checkers   Making Money Online From Home - The Correct Way   How-To Choose The Right Blogging Platform For You   Target Your Content at the Right People   

Blog Marketing: The Important Factors To Be Successful, Consistent And Rock Steady!

Many people marketing an online business are using blog marketing as an excellent online marketing strategy for many good reasons.

With blog marketing when you are writing your blog posts they do not have to be perfect. While you want to have well thought out and well written blog posts remember with blog marketing there is no approval process to go through such as the type you would go through when submitting an article to an article directory site.

You are in charge of your blog so once you have a decent post, GET IT UP THERE AND PUBLISH IT!

All of your blog posts are not going to be an awesome piece of writing and sometimes you will find yourself short of time to compose something really good. However, one of the key points of blog marketing is to update, or add a new post to your blog, on a regular basis. There are two main reasons for doing this:

Reason #1 - People who re-visit your blog and do not find any new content after 2 or 3 repeat visits are probably never going to visit again as they will feel it is a waste of their time. As a result, you will most likely lose them as a visitor forever. Reason #2 - The search engines like fresh new content and regularly updating your blog 3 or 4 times a week will help to give you a better chance at a higher ranking in the search results returned from a search engine.

So don't be too critical of yourself when reviewing a blog post you wrote for publishing. If it is just good enough then get that new content up there for your repeat visitors and for the search engines as well.

This is far better that waiting 4 or 5 days to be able to write something you feel is really good. While quality does count, there is a lot to say for volume as this is very important as well.

Another beautiful thing about blog marketing is a blog post can be relatively short. If you don't have a lot of time and can only get 250 words written, that's fine, PUBLISH IT!

Other times you might if you have a good, concise piece of informative, compelling content that is tightly focused on one particular aspect and only turns out to be 300 words. No problem!

300 words of tightly focused, quality content is great! PUBLISH IT!

Above all do not fall into the trap of always thinking your writing isn't good enough or spend 3 hours editing a blog post when 10 minutes was all you really needed to make it good enough. You'll never get anything done if you are always waiting until it is perfect and then your blog marketing and your entire online business will get nowhere.

So consider using blog marketing to advance your online marketing efforts and keep the above points in mind to create a steady rate of getting new posts up there.

Google Trends: A Keyword Tool That Creates Money For You   Make Your WordPress Blog Safe With Effective Security Checkers   Making Money Online From Home - The Correct Way   How-To Choose The Right Blogging Platform For You   Target Your Content at the Right People   Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business   

Improving the Reading Experience Of Blog Visitors

One of the easiest ways to give people a better reading experience when you post updates to your blog is by ignoring your dictionary! Visitors who land on your platform are looking for interesting content but NOT to be challenged by your use of 'big' words when reading your posts! Actually there are 3 compelling reasons for any blogger to be mindful of the words they choose to use on their site!

Platform Justification

Most blogging platforms automatically make 'adjustments' to align or center your words to improve the visual appearance! Now this is an excellent feature and a terrific aid to anyone who regularly post updates to their site! On the other hand however using words that contain many letters can actually result in altering the spacing between words! What that means is that if your wording includes many characters it may NOT allow enough space to fit the rest of your sentence on that line! When the platform automatically 'justifies' or center the spacing to compensate this typically results in double spacing! This will make that particular sentence look funny to people reading your posts since the rest of your update is using single spacing! Using smaller and easier to understand wording helps to prevent this from happening!

Reading Ease

People have way too many choices when looking for something to read on the internet! Having made that point does it make sense to 'challenge' people reading your posts with having to 'decode' what you wrote due to the extensive vocabulary you've presented them! Besides is it not easier for you as the writer to simply state what's on your mind without referring to the dictionary to make yourself sound intelligent? Just asking!

Universal Appeal

Without all those fascinating displays of your vocabulary more people are able to easily understand what you wrote! This makes reading your posts not only easier but more enjoyable as well! Now when you post updates visitors will NOT need a dictionary but rather can now fully enjoy the interesting content you have presented to them! It all simply boils down to people, no matter what their intelligence level, being able to take something away from what you have created! Remember no matter how insightful, entertaining or informative your entries may be, if readers don't understand what they're viewing, your efforts are wasted!

As a blogger you want to always be mindful of the reading experience you offer visitors when you post updates! Now obviously interesting content will be a major part of increasing the satisfaction of people reading your posts but you also want what you wrote to display properly as well as be easy to read! Our discussion above points out the drawbacks associated with the use of an extensive vocabulary when blogging! On the other hand when resisting the temptation to display your vocabulary and instead write to be understood you can and will make any interesting content you post understandable to all!

Google Trends: A Keyword Tool That Creates Money For You   Make Your WordPress Blog Safe With Effective Security Checkers   Making Money Online From Home - The Correct Way   How-To Choose The Right Blogging Platform For You   Target Your Content at the Right People   

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